Business – Business includes any organization public or
private, which provides goods or services that can meet the customers,
satisfaction in order to earn profit. The prospect of earning profit is what
encourages people to open and expand their business.
Management – Management is the process of reaching
organizational goals by working with and through people and other organization
resources. The four basic management function or process are planning,
organizing, leading and controlling.
Management – is a general
management and measurement and measurement of business operation, efficiency
and effectiveness and its impacts on the organization. It is often structured
as a hierarchy, with the top management at the apex and supervisory management
at the base. Different levels of management can be identified, senior
management direct functions and middle management supervises departments or
sections answerable to the director. They work towards organization goals and
objectives as well as aligning an organization with the wants and need clients.
Business Records
– are business information that
contains the transaction between two or more parties in the form of electronic
and paper documents that are kept for evidence and future references. Business
records are created in the course of conducting business.
Management – is the area of general
administrative management concerned with achieving economy and efficiency in
the creation, maintenance, use and disposal of records of an organization
throughout its entire life cycle and in making the information that is
contained available in support of the business of that organization. (IRMT,
Business Records
Management – is the field of
management responsibility for the efficient and systematic control of the
creation, maintenance, use and disposition of business records throughout its
entire life cycle in order to meet operational business need to be done from
time to time to ensure a good quality of records system in the organization.
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